Why You Should Prioritize a Website in 2022

Blog Post Written By An AI Robot

Whether you are selling products or services, a professional website is an absolute must for business in 2022. That's because having a website isn't just about having a place to put your digital content anymore—it's also about being found on the web by prospective customers and clients. For example, suppose you don't have an up-to-date website with search engine optimization (SEO) in place. In that case, you may be missing out on potential business opportunities—and even potential sales—because prospective customers will go straight to the competition.


SEO, or search engine optimization, is precisely what it sounds like. Search engine optimization is the process of fine-tuning your website to ensure it's able to be crawled by Google's spiders, usability, and reachability is up to par.

There are three main facets with SEO that come into play:

On-page SEO:  This is all about optimizing individual pages of your website—keyword placement, title tags, meta descriptions, etc.

Off-page SEO:  This is all about optimizing your site as a whole or backlinks—link building, social sharing, etc.

Technical SEO:  This is all about ensuring that search engines can appropriately crawl your site. Technical SEO includes page speed, accessibility, security, etc.

User experience

A good website is easy to use and designed with a user-friendly experience in mind. If your site doesn't have an intuitive design, it may confuse visitors and prevent them from purchasing products or signing up for services. By prioritizing a website now, you can ensure that customers can easily find what they're looking for on your site and make any purchases at their convenience. This will increase customer satisfaction and bring more customers back to your business.

Marketing & Growth

There are some growth hacks out there that suggest you can grow your business without a website. Please don't believe them. The truth is that no one will find you without first discovering your website, and no one will give you their money (or their email address) if they can't get to your website quickly—making it difficult for you to build an engaged audience. A professional website is still as important today as when we first started prioritizing them, but only if done correctly. Here at Pixel Web Design, we ensure growth and scalability are our top priority when launching a website. 

Profitability & Scalability

Whether you're running a small business or heading up an enterprise-level corporation, your website is your online home. And like all homes, your website should be managed with efficiency and purpose. But that doesn't mean prioritizing web design at any cost—especially if you intend to optimize profit and scale growth. There are multiple factors to consider when building or redesigning your professional website. It would be best to not rush into anything unless you know what they are: profitability, scalability, performance & SEO strategy. If these aren't on top of mind from start to finish, then some competitor might swoop in and steal your business away before you even realize what happened.

How To Choose A Web Designer/Development Team

It's hard to ignore how much websites have changed over just the past few years. As a result, it's becoming increasingly difficult for a website to stand out and look professional. As such, hiring an agency is no longer optional for creating and maintaining a reputable online presence. A top-tier designer can help your business stand out online— but how do you know who to trust? Follow these four tips when hiring a web designer or development team.

#1) Don't hire someone you don't trust: Much like picking a partner or choosing your primary care physician, choosing who will be in charge of designing and developing your business's website is an important decision.

#2)  Ask to see examples of past work: For instance, if you're hiring an agency, ask to see some of their work.

#3)  Evaluate whether they charge by hourly rate or project: It's essential to understand what you're getting into before hiring someone.

#4)  Look for someone who gets your brand: Be sure that whoever you hire understands what you're trying to accomplish with your website. Also, be sure that they understand and empathize with your goals.